Tuesday, August 20, 2013


It once rained heavy on my heart,
A storm, drowning my sorrow,
Jolting me with lightning,
Shocking me with thunder.
You rode your horse across the field,
Searching for the one sapling that survived.
For hope to be restored, for the sun to shine.
Guided by the moon, you found me.
I was lost.

Painted gray, opaque across the sky,
You held me captive with your unforgiving stare.
I cannot ignore you for you are who I breathe
A slight sting with every breath,
Exhaling doesn’t seem like an option.
Forced, I watch you crumble,
Crushed by the giant light,
Torn by the wind.
I mourned you.

It was when you held me as I wept,
Empathizing in a feeling you could not feel.
You shook me, swayed me, but never betrayed me.
You delivered on the pain once promised,
The nails blue, you stayed true.
I loved to hate you and I hate to love you,
Wishes never made, never fulfilled.
We held hands, we made a splash
It was too good, to be untrue.
Forever is not a long time.
Our movement defined.

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