Thursday, January 17, 2013

The person I used to know.

We can blame it on the distance,
We can say that we lost touch.
Life caught up with us, we're busy
Too busy to look each other up.

I wonder what you look like now,
If your voice is deeper, your smile bigger.
If you've grown taller, if you wear heels.
Do you still like the colour red?

Do you still love telling stories?
Have you painted anything new?
Do you still like Swat Kats?
Wasn't Razor your favourite?

Why don't we talk anymore?
You're my friend on Facebook,
But I haven't said anything.
Only wished you on your birthday.

Would you want to meet?
Do you know what's up with me?
Can we call ourselves friends now?
Or are you that person I used to know?

I want to find our friendship again,
See who you've become.
I wonder if you're in the same place,
If you still visit Lalbagh on weekends.

Maybe, one day I'll run into you.
We'll say hello and smile.
Will we recognise each other?
Will we wish for what was?

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