Friday, August 24, 2012


Feelings suppressed and wished away,
Air-tight boxes and dark corners,
Never seen and never to be heard.
All it took was one ugly touch.

It overflowed and consumed,
A dark wave of bitterness and dirtiness.
The shaking feeling of pure disgust
Crippling, maiming and hurting.

Tears that don't stop with the question.
Why? Why is man such an asshole?
So absolute in that adjective. Owning it.
Taking something that isn't his and never was.

Life is not some fucking game.
I have my life and you have yours.
Choice is a matter of fact, not privilege.
Why the hell do you think you can take it from me?

Curses aren't enough, violence gets me nowhere.
I will not stoop to your level. You're pathetic.
You're dirty to see, touch, smell or hear. To live.
You are vile, awful and everything wrong.

Hate is too mild a word to describe this. 

Wednesday, August 15, 2012


This was a brand print for Slice :)

It was your smell that got me
That sweet, slightly tangy scent
It made my head sway, my lips curve
Then I saw you.

A burst of colour, you were.
Green, yellow and red, blended beautifully.
You made me reach out, fingers quivering.
Then, we touched.

Warm, smooth and sun-kissed,
You felt like perfection, welcoming.
The temptation to taste now irresistible,
Then, we kissed.

I closed my eyes, savoring you,
You’re everywhere and I’m addicted.
I slowly opened my eyes
There you were, Slice.

Saturday, August 11, 2012


Waiting is hard.
That's the truth, the whole truth
And nothing but the truth.
We wait to grow that one inch,
We wait for the ice cream cart to go by.

On a hot summer's day, we wait foe ecstasy,
For that one drop of rain to fall on our skin.
We wait for lunch time when our bellies are empty
And we curse those who remind us of our stupidity.
We missed breakfast. We missed the Emperor.

When we don't want to wait,
We charge across oceans to get what we want.
We push and shove and jab at people to move up a queue.
Dastardly people stepped on my foot.
I want. I want. I want. NOW.

I waited fourteen years for a puppy.
I waited fifteen years for freedom.
I waited twenty-one years for adulthood.
I waited sixteen minutes for a table.
I don't wish to wait anymore.

Written at The Only Place, while waiting for a table, 4 years ago.